1. Search is a very important part of this portal given that the number of LINCS datasets and precomputed signatures is constantly growing. One is able to search for a LINCS dataset and/or precomputed signature of interest on iLINCS portal in a couple of ways. In the example below, we will search for a precomputed signatures for MCF7 cell line (the example of locating LINCS dataset of interest is...
1. One may be interested to see all the metadata available for a particular precomputed signature. Let's say we would like to see more information for "LINCSCP_131839" signature. Let's click on the signature title as shown in the figure below.
2. As seen in the figure below, clicking on the signature title, opens up a new window containing a landing page for that particular signature. Similar...
1. One may also search for pre-computed signatures with pharmacological actions. To do this, let's click "Find Signatures with Pharmacological Actions" button on the bottom of Signatures pipeline landing page as shown below.
2. Clicking "Find Signatures with Pharmacological Actions" button will open a search field to input desired pharmacological actions as seen in the figure below. iLINCS will...